onagacafe’s blog


プロフィール:翁長貴之(おなが たかの)1972年生。1996年オレゴン大学心理学卒、ホテル、警察の通訳を経て、2007年からおなが英語教室を運営。英検1級英語講師、幸せカウンセラ、秘密家。趣味は園芸、リフォーム、家族とのひと時。

Do what you want to do.

​(Today is the first day of the rest of your life.)

If you wonder what you should do, please do what you want to do.
It is your life.

If you don't know when you should start, please do it now.
Now is always the best timing to do what you want to do.

If you don't know where you should go, please go wherever you want to go.
You know the secret place that heals you and gives you the power to live.

If you have lost your power to live, please find the best way to ease the pain.
It is almost always the fear of losing something that even doesn't exist.

If you find yourself unhappy, close your eyes, and take a deep breath.
And in a calm place, feel the blessing energy around you that is always there to make your dreams come true.

Do what you want to do.
That's what your life is there for.

Have a good day.

Takano Onaga
Onaga's English School
PHONE: 070-5276-8882