onagacafe’s blog


プロフィール:翁長貴之(おなが たかの)1972年生。1996年オレゴン大学心理学卒、ホテル、警察の通訳を経て、2007年からおなが英語教室を運営。英検1級英語講師、幸せカウンセラ、秘密家。趣味は園芸、リフォーム、家族とのひと時。

At the end of the day ~1日の終りに~

At the end of the day, can you recall what you did today?

Can you recall what you've learned?
Can you recall who you talked with?
Can you remember where you went?
Can you tell me why you went there?
Can you tell me how you felt when you did what you did?

At the end of the day, try to ask yourself memorable things you did.
Recall only the ones that make you happy.

Then you can sleep comfortably, and wake up in the morning with a new goal or goals that you are to recall tonight to see whether you will have successfully accomplished them, 

...at the end of the day.