onagacafe’s blog


プロフィール:翁長貴之(おなが たかの)1972年生。1996年オレゴン大学心理学卒、ホテル、警察の通訳を経て、2007年からおなが英語教室を運営。英検1級英語講師、幸せカウンセラ、秘密家。趣味は園芸、リフォーム、家族とのひと時。

Do you know who you are?

Have you ever wondered who you are?
Have you murmured to yourself, "Who am I, really?"

This is one of the thousand other wondrous questions you may have sometime in your life.

Well, the answer is both simple and difficult, depending on how you look at it.

If you know a lot about your brain, the answer is simple.
But if not, the answer to the questions becomes overwhelmingly complicated.


So, let us take a simple way.
Let's look at ourselves not from the traditional view point, but from the objective, observable, and scientific aspect.

Who are you, or rather, should I ask, what are you?

No authorities have ever been successful in explaining this question.
So you must find the answer by yourself.

If you sit in a quiet place and ponder, you come to realize a simple fact:

"I am what I am." 
Yes, that's right. You are what you are. No more or no less.

You have your head, shoulders, knees and tows.
You have eyes and ears and mouth and nose, too.

Of course, your have more physical parts as well as organs in your internal body.

All of these physical parts work harmoniously and represent what you are. But, what about our mind? Do they represent our mind?

Where does your mind emerge? And where does it sit?
Well, people nowadays realize the strong relationship between our mind and brain.

And we know that our mind probably exists somewhere in the brain.
And it is always the brain that is too complex to understand how it works.

That's why it is hard to figure out who you are.
But that's also why it is easy to know who you are as long as you are familiar with your brain.


Who are you?
It's a tough question to answer.

But it is one of the most interesting questions, and it is a question that is worth inquiring, don't you think?

The answer lies somewhere in you. So you are the key to find the answer.


To live your life effectively, please do the followings:

-Learn a great deal about your brain.
-Find introductory books about brain science.
-Find one that has a lot of pictures so you can visually understand your brain.
-If you have the Internet connectivity, (and I am quite sure that you do,) go and find good videos that explain your brain.

It is your life.
Don't let others control you.
Be the master of your life.

Thank you for reading.

I hope you have a wonderful day.
You have the power to make it wonderful.